Make a Donation

Family Promise of Ozaukee County is the leading national nonprofit addressing family homelessness, providing homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, workforce development, education, financial capability, health and wellness, and so much more.

Family Promise of Ozaukee County is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Family homelessness knows no season. Please consider a recurring monthly gift to give the promise of a home all year long.

Help us continue our mission.

“Family Promise was there for us when we needed help the most. The staff is full of hardworking, caring people and the volunteers made us feel welcome. They provided us with shelter and assistance to keep hope alive. Their efforts to get us into Rapid Rehousing allowed us to not worry about housing costs for a year. We are grateful for everything they have done. It is comforting to know that they are there to help when things look bleak.”

— Rick, Tammy, and Tyler,
Family Promise of Ozaukee County Former Guests

Monetary &
In-Kind Donations

Online Monetary Donations

Using the Donate button on the left of this page, you can make a donation now using your credit card or PayPal account. All online donations are processed by PayPal for your security. Your credit card information will not be forwarded to Family Promise of Ozaukee County.

In-Kind & Amazon Wish List Donations

Physical item donations can be made online via our Amazon Wish List or a drop-off can be arranged.

Mail or Drop-Off Donations

Donations by mail are also gratefully accepted. Please make the check to Family Promise of Ozaukee County and mail to:

Family Promise of Ozaukee County
136 W. Grand Avenue
Port Washington, WI 53074